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Degrees of imminence

Published: 1st September 2021

Citation: Astronist Institution. (2021). Degrees of imminence. Available: Last accessed [enter date e.g. 1st Sept 2021].

noun  Astroeschatology

the set of opinions and beliefs regarding when the scope window for humanity to expand into outer space and avoid both the Degradation and the Devolution is considered to end.


Imminential | anˈ tɪpədɪz(ə)m | adjective
Imminentially | anˈ tɪpədɪst | adverb


Astro-English: from Astronese, the word degrees is used here to denote “a series of different levels” or “a series of conditions” framed by the concept of time by way of the word imminence which denotes both “importance” and “urgency”; indeed, in the context of the Astroeschatology, this phrase is applied to the context of transcension, specifically to denote how and when the scope window for transcension is expected to end.

Encyclopaedic entry for “Degrees of imminence” on

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